Selasa, 27 Oktober 2009

ways to minimaze the birth rate

The development of the population in each country differ. This is related to economic issues, geographic situation and the country's political situation. The development of this population include the increase or decrease in the population. The main causative factor of the increase in population is the advancement of science and technology, especially in the field of health. With the progress of medical technology, delivery can be arranged and can be in preventing deaths. This all resulted in a decreased mortality rates dramatically or striking. But in addition to technological advances in the medical field, an emerging country which wants to an improvement in the country, one way is to suppress or minimize the birth rate.

Minimizing the birth rate has significance for a country, where by pressing the birth rate is the rate of the population of a State can be held so that the fulfillment of basic needs which are the responsibility of state / government in the form of education, health, housing, and labor can also be fulfilled. Control the birth rate can be done by using the family planning program that is seeking restrictions on the number of children. in addition, the program is also useful for the implementation of services, settings, and support needed to establish a family with the ideal marriage age; regulate the number, distance, and the ideal age of childbearing; settings and building the resilience of the pregnancy and family welfare. Another way to minimize this as the birth rate is already planned by the government among others, about the age limit to get married, for women aged at least 16 years and for men at least 19 years, child support restrictions for civil servants is given child support until the child only second. Other things that need to be considered to suppress the birth rate by delaying the marriage in order to reduce the number of high birth rates and increasing emancipation of women became a career woman.

In general, many things can be done to minimize the birth rate. Given this emphasis, it is expected of a State may properly control the population, so how can increase the level of welfare of the population.

Jumat, 09 Oktober 2009

Negative Impacs of Illegal Logging

Forest destruction brought problems for life. One form of forest damage created by human hands is caused by illegal logging. However, illegal logging is still providing the effects of a very not good for the neighborhood, although there are positive effects that can be obtained. Illegal logging practices and forest exploitation that ignores sustainability, resulting in the destruction of forest resources that are priceless. Not only that, this practice can provide tantunya major threat to humans and the forest itself because of less optimal function of the forest due to illegal logging.

Illegal logging activities that human beings have done is not responsible to give a lot of impact that is not good for humans and the environment. The resulting environmental damage, and causes of natural disasters and sustainable economic disaster. And the effects that make the total area of forest narrowed, which in turn the ability of forest or forest carrying capacity of the human needs of the less. logging practices and forest exploitation that ignores sustainability, resulting in the destruction of natural resources, destruction of community life and the loss of timber valued at us $ 5 billion, including a state income approximately us $ 1.4 billion each year. these losses have not counted the value of biodiversity loss and environmental services that can be produced from forest resources

The government is already trying to cope with in terms of illegal logging, but still illegal logging is difficult directly stop. Many obstacles despite existing laws to the destroyer of the forest. Expected to have awareness of the destroyer of forest.